**All links are at the bottom of the post, footnote style**
What Most Rich People Do and Don’t Do
A quick story to get us started.
A group of women get together every year to celebrate my friends birthday. These are her girlfriends, of course. We gals don’t socialize with each other than to celebrate with her.
One year, while drinking cocktails on the patio of an upscale restaurant, there was talk about the rich 1%. The ladies chatted on about it and one said “It must be nice to be rich.”
I did a double take so fast my head spun off like a top, and crashed into the water fountain next to us.
Wait, what? What was that? Let me get the water out of my ears….
You don’t feel like you fit into the category of rich? Hello? Are you kidding me? (I didn’t actually say any of this, but I thought it).
Every one of these ladies had gifted something very expensive (except me). My friend got Tiffany necklaces, and cashmere wraps.
These ladies owned mansions and nice cars and nice clothes. One of them owns a second home that has eight bedrooms. I know because I’ve stayed there.
And another owns a small airplane.
In my eyes, these women are very wealthy.

If THAT’s not rich, what is?
Those comments stayed with me for a long time. And it got me to thinkin’.
They don’t even KNOW they’re rich! How crazy and sad is that? They don’t know it, so they don’t enjoy the feeling of being rich.
I found out that my friend’s friends aren’t the only ones.
Lot’s of rich people don’t feel rich.
Dr. Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology, says there are tons of unhappy rich people in her podcast, The Happiness Lab. (1)

They work their little hearts out and don’t enjoy all they are working for.
This is what most rich people DO; they ignore what they already have.
What they DON’T do is connect-the-dots with their own wealth.
In other words, they don’t FEEL wealthy because they don’t think about and fully enjoy what they already have.
One Day, I Figured Out How I Could Get Rich Quick
About a year later I was reflecting on that time with the girls. I thought again about their birthday gifts. At the time, I had given a home-made birthday gift because frankly, that’s all I could afford
Surely, I was the one who was poor, right?
I mean, really.
I grew up the oldest of seven kids. We ate a lot of mac n cheese and hot dogs.
I remember my mom telling me that being a Girl Scout wasn’t in the budget. And we put things on lay-away at Sears and JC Penny’s.
I felt poor back then and that feeling stuck with me through adulthood.
But then it hit me.
Maybe I was thinking I wasn’t rich when I actually was. Maybe I needed to do some thinkin.

Stand back! Digging deep is hard work!
Let me share what I learned about wealth and happiness
A study from Purdue University shows that people feel the most happiness earning between $60,000 a year and $105,000 a year in the US. (2)
Another study from Princeton University said $75,000 a year income is just about right for optimum contentment. Any more than that and you aren’t really that much happier. (3)
The differences in those numbers are likely due to where you live. Some places in the US are cheaper than others.
I’m dumb enough to live in one of the most expensive places on earth. No wonder I felt poor.
$75,000 may still sound like a lot to you. I share that number so you understand that you don’t have to make millions to be happy.

How to Find Out How Wealthy You Are in an Instant
There are a couple of cool sites that show how rich you are in your own country and how rich you are in relation to the rest of the world. (4) (5)
I was shocked to find out that, I’m in the top 20% wealthiest people in the US.
Wow! That really blows my mind!
In the entire world, I’m in the top 3.4%.
Gulp. I mean… How humbling.
My husband’s eyes got wide when I told him. “Are you serious?” he said. I nodded.
And here we thought we were poor and struggling.
Wild, right?
And that means we weren’t poor growing up either. We had our challenges, but we still ranked high on the ladder of success.
You too are likely one of the richest people in the world (surprise!!!)

Quick and Instant Wealth is a Mindset
So you want to get filthy rich quickly? Dig into the feeling that you ARE RICH RIGHT NOW.
BOOM! DONE! The most instantaneous “Get Rich Quick Scheme” Ever.
Seriously, I”m not even joking.
BUT, Michelle, you promised me I could get rich quick.
This IS quick, in fact, it’s within a few seconds. You probably thought you were poor, but if you really let it sink in… you’re already a rich motherf*cker.

How rich is rich?
You are already rich if you have access to this information that I’m sharing here on the internet.
Over 40% of the population of the world does not have internet access. That’s over three billion people!
Because you are reading this on the internet, you are richer than three billion people.
That’s a LOT of people.
And get this: 70% of people in the world have no access to education. If you can read this, you are already ahead of 1 billion people. (6)
What are their lives like? Think about it, then relish your own wealth.
I know that seems a little hard to digest and wrap your head around.

For the biggest impact, compare yourself to the rest of the world, not to the people in movies, or your neighbors.
“Awe, c’mon, they don’t really count, Michelle.”
Oh, yes, they most certainly DO Count. Do you want to look one of those people in the face and tell them their life experience is meaningless?
By the way, did you know that most people don’t own more than one pair of shoes, and millions of people don’t own a single pair of shoes?
Did you know that less than 20% of the world population owns a car?

And did you know that 40% of the world does not have indoor plumbing?! That’s right.
No way of getting running water to their house. No flushing toilets. They have to carry water in. Many travel long distances for their water.
And this is not just a couple of exotic tribes… this is FORTY PERCENT of the world.
Let that sink in.
Forty percent.
If you’re still not feeling it, the trick is to program it into your mind daily, so you can attract even more riches.

Are You Saying That Feeling Rich Attracts Money and Opportunities?
Yep. Dig it.
I read a great book 30 years ago called ’The Trick to Money is Having Some.”
The author, Stuart Wilde says you have to FEEL rich to attract money. (7)
Have you heard of the law of attraction?
I’ll do a post on it someday, but in short, what you really believe becomes your reality because you become a magnet for it.
And it’s not enough to believe it mentally, you have to FEEL it.
So if you truly feel rich, you will attract more riches. Like attracts like.
If you’re not acting desperate for it, you’re more likely to attract it.
Here is what that book fails to tell you: if you can afford to buy the book, or have access to a library to borrow it, then you are richer than most people.
The author, (in the version I read back in the stone age) explains that you have to have money to feel rich. He forgets to tell you that you can feel rich right now, no bull doo doo.

More Benefits of Getting Rich Quickly
The benefits of getting rich quickly by acknowledging that you are already rich:
1. Added Spiritual Wealth. The law of attraction starts works energetically. You now know you can afford to share with others.
2. Added Health Wealth. Lowering stress about money is great for your body and your mental health.
3. Added Financial Wealth. You appreciate what you have, so you’re less likely to buy all the time, which saves money. You can start to invest in your future, rather than spend it on something that gives you the appearance of wealth.
There is no more need for financial status symbols like expensive cars, oversized TV’s, bags with designer names, etc.
4. Added Social Wealth. Your confidence goes up as you start to feel rich. People sniff it out, which adds to your social wealth in subtle but significant ways. You appear less needy and that’s attractive.
Speaking of confidence, if you want even more, you might want to check out my post on how to build confidence by overcoming shyness. (8)
5. Added Opportunity Wealth. Confident wealthy people get offered more social and financial opportunities.

How to Get Rich. Reprogramming, Baby! The Future is Now!
For me, journaling is a big part of it recognizing my current wealth status.
I do a 5-minute journal every morning.
Among other things, I write down one thing every morning that makes me feel wealthy. Because I’ve been doing it for a while, my mind notices the awesome wealth I have throughout my day.
As I write, I take a moment to let things SINK IN. I let the feeling of wealth and gratitude wash over me. I smile when I do it.
Consider, time is wealth too.
Wealthy people don’t have to spend their waking life figuring how to hunt down food and gather water. If you have time to sleep in, you are wealthy. If you have time to visit with friends, you are wealthy.

Here are some of my journal entries to anchor my own feelings of wealth:
- I am so grateful for washing machines!
- Thank you, cellphone, you help me in so many ways! I’m happy you are a part of my life.
- Wow! To have a heater to keep my bones warm! Just wow.
- I am so wealthy, I can afford to have things delivered to my home!
- I just filled my refrigerator with food! F*ck! That’s rich.
- I am so grateful for my warm jacket. Yum!
- I have electricity? Holy Sh*t, I’m spoiled!
- I am a wealthy MF’er. I can afford this medication to take away my headache.
- What an extreme luxury it is to have this fluffy bed to sleep on! Wowsa.
- I reveled in my toothbrush, hairbrush, and lotion. What a glorious morning!
- I am so rich I can afford to take the time to write this.

But How Do You Get Your Hands On Mo’ Money?
Really, Michelle, I just want to know how to get a lot more cash in my pocket. That’s what I was looking for when I started reading your blog post.
Sigh. Okay. Listen up.
We’ll start with this song from an old TV show called The Beverly Hillbillies.
If you know it, sing it with me!
Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed,
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
And then one day he was shootin at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.
Well, the first thing you know, ol Jed’s a millionaire,
The kinfolk said “Jed, move away from there”
Said “Californy is the place you ought to be”
So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly
Hills, that is. Swimming pools, movie stars.
The Beverly Hillbillies!
So, as the song goes, Jed got wealthy by shooting a hole in the ground on his property and finding oil. (9)
It was dumb luck.
Other than what I’ve already taught you, there is no such thing as getting rich quick unless you’re related to an old rich aunt on her deathbed who thinks you’re the bees knees.

Then there’s winning the lottery.
My friend Bill calls the lottery a “tax on people who are bad at math” because people who believe they have a chance to win are so clear on what the odds mean.
Once, I bought 40 lottery tickets when the California lottery was at a billion dollars.
It’s true. I can’t remember how many years ago, but the winning amount was stacked high and everyone was excited.
After not winning (obviously), I decided to check all the tickets against all the winning numbers in the entire history of the California lottery. You can easily do that on their website.
I was shocked to see that if I had bought my same tickets in all the weekly lotteries since 1984, none of my 40 tickets would have won a single dollar! Not one.
It shocked me to the point of promising myself I would never play the lottery again.
Now I call the lottery “pure entertainment” because it’s great for dreaming, but it’s not a real plan for getting rich.
But Michelle, what about real estate?
First of all, there is nothing “quick” about investing in real estate.
Even if you manage to get a few homes where you hold and rent them or turn around and sell them, most of the time you only make a small amount of money.
It takes a great deal of time and knowledge to do it right. The average profit from a flipped house is around $62K gross.
That might sound like a lot, but “gross” means that all of the repair money and cost of fixing and selling the house has to come out of that $62K. Those costs are so big that you sometimes losing money instead of pocketing it.
Also, it can be very expensive and you can lose your shirt.
I have two friends that invested heavily in real estate.
One of them bought and sold property, the other one collected them as rental properties.
These are smart guys who really knew what they were doing. They both spent over 20 years doing this kind of work. It was grueling and stressful.
In the end, they both made mistakes that cost them their entire fortunes.
Both had to file for bankruptcy and start from scratch at a much older age.
Needless to say, neither one went back into real estate even though they were experts by that time.

Moving to another location is the only choice you have to physically get “rich” fast.
The Beverly Hillbillies had it wrong. They should have stayed put.
Their millions would have gone a lot farther in the hills of Missouri than it did in Beverly Hills, California.
So, yes, other than relishing the riches you already enjoy, or getting a lucky inheritance, you can literally get richer by moving to a location that is cheaper than where you live now.
In the US, some places are up to 64% cheaper. And outside the US, life can get a lot cheaper. But there are challenges and trade-offs.
Firstly, you’ll still need a way to make your current income. When you move to another area, a lot of times your income goes down too, so you don’t feel any richer.
Secondly, you need to be sure the trade-offs are worth it.
Other cheaper areas will not have access to similar amenities and perks. The weather may be harsh, there may be higher crime, the restaurants may suck, the government may be unstable.
Want to know more about the cost of living in certain areas? Check out the link to this resource.(11)

15 Tips to Add to Your Financial and Emotional Wealth
Other than realizing you’re already rich-as-f*ck, or moving to a cheaper area, there are no other ways to reliably pump up your financial wealth in a quick way.
Financial wealth takes time, effort, education, luck, and, in some cases, big b*lls. (That’s a missing “a” son, not a missing “i.”)
If you want to attract better finances, you need to start with programming the feeling of wealth.
If you don’t do it NOW, when will you ever feel wealthy when climbing the financial ladder?
You’ll always feel like you need more money or stuff to be happy.
Because you keep bugging me for financial advice, I’ll give you a smidgeon (which is a really hard word to spell, by the way). You’re not going to be very excited about it.
They are all great ways to add to your stack of cash or add to your feeling of wealth.
1.Feelings vs numbers
Before we get into the practical, I’m going to try once more to lay this at your feet and let it sink in.
Most people think that being rich is about how much money they have, but it’s not. It’s about how they experience the money they have.
Many people making mega-bucks feel financially insecure, have money anxiety, and push themselves to make even more.
They don’t understand that being rich is an emotional experience, not a bank account amount.

2. Quality, not quantity
Remember that life will feel more satisfying if you only indulge occasionally. Going out to eat once every month will feel magical compared to eating out every day.
You might appear rich if you eat out every day but you will feel the impact of the experience if you don’t do it as often.
This is one reason why rich people are bored or depressed; it’s because the specialness of an experience has become normalized.
It’s called “hedonic adaptation.” The rich life no longer feels rich, it just feels normal.
3. Less is more
Enjoy having less so you will spend less. If you can, spend a LOT less.
Owning less can relieve you of time, energy and money for keeping, insuring and replacing things.
Live in a smaller place, so you buy less furnishings and save time on cleaning.
Get rid of storage rentals. Only own what you can keep with you in your own space.
Borrow items instead of owning them.
4. Understand needs vs desires
Before you buy something ask yourself “Is this a need or a desire?”
Needs are things that you need to survive (ie: stay alive). Needs are food, shelter, water, basic transportation, basic clothing, etc.
Choose a few desires in your life to spend on that will make you feel rich. It must be affordable to you.
For example, I spend money on real art in my price range. It makes me feel rich to see it on my walls.
Other people feel rich by staying in a nicer hotel when they travel. And others feel rich when they hire someone to mow their lawn.
I have friends who feel rich because they buy organic vegetables.
Figure out two or three things that you can afford (ie; not go into debt for) that make you feel rich. Then rock n roll in your rich life!

5. Make new friends
Meet and befriend people who have a higher level of wealth than you.
They may have good advice and be good role models.
If you spend time with people who overspend, buy everything on credit, and have no savings, you are hanging out with the wrong people (in terms of money habits…though they may have other merits that are worth your time).
6. Buy used, bulk or quality
Buying used cars, clothing, and furnishings is better for the planet and better for your pocketbook.
Buying items in bulk is usually a money saver.
Buying items at the dollar store is often not smart because it looks like a small price tag, until you realize you’ve spent $1 on something that you could have gotten in bulk for ten cents.
This only works if you need a lot of the same thing and you have the space for it.
Buying quality means you find an item that is well-made and will last 10 years as opposed to buying a lower quality item that only lasts you a couple of months.
Be careful of this one because you still need to be able to afford the item.
7. Avoid new debt
Avoid debt. Avoid debt. Avoid debt.
Say no to credit cards, student loans, car loans, and personal loans.
The only exception is going into debt to buy your own residence. This is only if you have 20% down to purchase it and can afford the monthly expense.
The monthly expense includes a 15-year fixed rate mortgage, insurance, and upkeep.
The average upkeep expense is usually 2% of the value of the home every year.
That means if your home is worth $360k, you need to have 2% of $360k every year to keep up the maintenance. In this case, that would calculate to $7,200 a year, or $600 a month.
Only buy things you’ve saved up for. Yes, you can do it. Millions of people do, you can to.

8. Pay off your current debts
If you already have debts, you will be richer by paying them off. With no interest to pay, you will automatically have more change in your pocket for other fun items.
I have another post that talks about strategies to pay your debts down. I’m actually explaining debt reduction to illustrate a better path to avoiding procrastination, but you can ignore that part. (12)
9. Build credit safely
Feel like you need to build your credit?
Use a credit builder card like Extra or Chime. They are not credit card, it’s a card attached to an account with your own money. Each time you use the card they report it to the credit agencies. This is how your FICO score goes up. (13)(14)
What is a FICO score? It’s a point system used to evaluate how reliable you are with credit purchases.
10. Automate your savings
Have your checking account automatically send the money weekly into a savings account you don’t have easy access to. Make it a credit union or no fee brokerage account like Vanguard.
Do this so that you get used to living on the rest of your money. People who try to save money at the end of the month after their expenses usually don’t have any money at the end of the month.
Start with creating an emergency fund.
Calculate what 3 to 6 months of your income and put that into an interest-bearing savings account or money-market account.
Next start investing preferably in a tax safe plan like a 401K or an IRA retirement account.
Aim for saving 15% of your income.

11.Take advantage of compound interest
Don’t underestimate what someone once not so jokingly called “the most powerful force in the universe.” I’m talking about compound interest. (15)
Almost all millionaires have used this to gain and retain their wealth.
Create a sound long-term investment plan preferably in a tax-safe retirement account like a 401K or IRA account.
Look at investing in index mutual funds.
Learn about diversification, and long-term investing.
12. Start a business
Many wealthy people got that way because they started a business.
Usually the businesses that make any real money grow big enough to have employees, so it’s a lot of work and a lot of risk.
It takes time, energy, and gumption. And it takes a person with a certain temperament.
Small business owners often fret over their wavering income. It’s not always steady. Not everyone makes money, and it eats up a lot of time. So choose wisely.
Bonus business tip: Only start a business if you’re willing to put time and energy into marketing.
Bonus business tip take two: Keep in mind though, that researching is good, but researching TOO much will get in the way of building on your wealth.
Read about that on my post about over-researching, and how it will screw with your chances of success. (16)

13. Don’t gamble
Don’t gamble unless you can sleep soundly when you lose it. Because you’re more likely to lose it than not.
Gambling not only includes horse races, sports bets, and casino games, it also includes the lottery, individual company stocks, crypto-currency, gold & silver, and businesses that do not have a clearly defined written business plan.
14. Hire cheaper help
Hire others to help you with things that are not things you have time for.
Here is an example:
Let’s say you make $25 an hour.
Let’s also say you could make more money if you had a few extra hours or two in your schedule.
If you hire someone else to do some things for you, at $15 an hour, then you’ve made $10 an hour as long as you use those extra free hours to make money.
This could be through virtual help online or in-person help for your residence or business.

15. Don’t give up
People who are rich and/or famous because of a skill, product, or service they developed, all experienced doubt.
Sometimes it was unbearable doubt. Sometimes that doubt would creep in on a daily basis.
The ones who “made it” never let that stop them. They never gave up trying.
Sure, they made adjustments all along the way, but they never left the path. They stayed the course regardless of the hardships, regardless of their lack of self confidence.
Also, don’t give up on paying down your debts or saving for the future. It all counts.
16. Get to learning
Educate yourself on investing, wealth building, and business building with books, podcasts and classes.
Be careful not to do an impulse buy on “plans” for wealth building and research any companies that promise you fast wealth, especially if they want a lot of money for the information.
Do your homework before signing up to be sure it’s a good fit and legit.
17. Marry rich
Marry a very rich person with no kids who just celebrated their 90th birthday.
I missed out on this one completely. I married a young, sexy, creative, and interesting guy. I guess I missed out on marrying some ancient dude with boatloads of cash.
Of course I’m joking.
There are people who actually do this, but it’s very expensive emotionally. It usually costs them their self-respect, confidence, and sense of moral integrity.
It’s not a worthwhile plan.
If you are serious about building wealth, make it a resolution for this month or this year. It’s never too late to start on your New Years Resolution. Here are two posts I wrote up that can be helpful with that. (17) (18)

Recommended Wealth-Building Websites, Podcasts, and Books
Dave Ramsey
My current favorite podcast for getting out of debt and keeping your money once you have it is a podcast by multi-millionaire Dave Ramsey, called “The Ramsey Show.” (19)
If you listen to the episodes where he is the main host, you’ll get a few chuckles. He’s one tough and funny bird. He helps people become “everyday millionaires.”
His books and classes are widely recommended for getting debt free and building wealth. Always read reviews on classes before taking them. Make sure it’s a good fit for you. (20)(21)
The only things I don’t love is that his mutual fund investment advice is not diversified and he has a referral service for financial advisors that charge monthly fees.
If you do your homework, you can choose your own investments.
If you need financial advice, only go with an investment advisor that is a fiduciary and charges by the hour, not on an ongoing basis.
Ramit Sethi
I love Ramit Sethi’s blog and podcast! He is a sassy teacher with lots of great information.
His blog is “I Will Teach You To Be Rich.” And his podcast, of the same name, helps people realize they may have a poverty mentality. (22)(23)
He teaches how to live your “rich life.”
He also offers classes on personal and business wealth building. I have never taken any of his classes, but he has enough quality information in his blog and podcast to make me feel comfortable mentioning it. Do your homework before signing on to a class. Make sure it’s what you’re expecting. (24)
His book gets high marks as well and is a bestseller. (25)

Mr. Money Mustache
And I’d also recommend my favorite quirky blogger on making the most out of the dollars you have.
Canadian-born Peter Adeney retired in his twenties and is a financial bad*ss, happily living the good life. His blog is “Mr. Money Mustache.” (26)
Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferris has a great book on maximizing time and money called “The Four-Hour Work Week.” (27)
It’s an entertaining read chock full of information that includes how to enlist virtual assistants and runs through the scenario of living in other countries.
Mike Michalowicz
If you’d like to grow your business profits from day one, read Mike “Motorcycle” Michalowicz’ book “Profit First.” He lost millions in his first dozen companies until he figured out how to keep the business profit safe. (28)
I use his business ideas and apply it to my personal finances as well.
Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins offers several retreats and seminars. I went to one of his 4-day personal growth seminars and it was worth every penny.(29)
His business retreat called Business Mastery is pricey but gets raving reviews.
His retreat has been turned into a virtual event.
Those who are in the right sort of business and at the right time in their business find it extremely valuable, so read up before signing up to be sure it’s right for you. (30)
Tony Robbins has a couple of personal finance books available and I found them not great, so I won’t be linking them.
Besides being a clunky read, he recommends fixed-index annuities which many financial professionals do not recommend.

A few more personal finance books that I love and have recommended to friends:
The Automatic Millionaire (31)
The Millionaire Next Door (32)
The Wealthy Barber (33)
The Bogleheads Guide to Investing (34)
The Richest Man in Babylon (35)
Your money or your Life (36)
The Warren Buffet Way (37)
Think and Grow Rich (38)
Here are a couple of my own blogs posts that might be helpful on your journey to becoming wealthy:
I have a few tips on what to have ready when starting a business. (39)
If your relationships are strained because of money issues (ie: perceived poverty), check out my post on mending relationships. (40)
This post helps you tap into your intuition, like billionaire Sara Blakely does. (41)
Okay, that’s it. This is the last time I’ll say it; You are already wealthy.
Enjoy your rich man’s life or rich woman’s life, or rich non-gender’s life and continue to cultivate your real-prosperity status.
Live Juicy, Joybird!

8 How To Overcome Shyness And Build Your Self Confidence
12 Easy Wins for Project Procrastination
16 Why Your Learning Addiction Is Keeping You From Success
17 How to Pick the Best One Word New Years Resolution
18 The Big Secret On How to Keep Your New Years Resolution
39 Do This Before Starting a Business
40 Your Relationship: Advice That Will Change Your Life
41 How to Follow Your Intuition To Cheat Death Or Get Rich
3 Princeton University Study Article
7 Stuart Wilde Book “The Trick To Money is Having Some”
9 Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song
14 Chimed-Credit Building Card
15 Analyzing Alpha-Story of Compound Interest
19 The Dave Ramsey Show Podcast
20 Dave Ramsey Book “The Total Money Makeover”
21 Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University
23 Ramit Sethi I Will Teach You to Be Rich Podcast
24 Ramit Sethi Book “I Will Teach YOu to Be Rich”
27 Tim Ferriss Book “The Four-Hour Work Week”
28 Mike Michalowicz Book “Profit First”
29 Tony Robbins Seminar Unleash the Power Within
30 Tony Robbins Virtual Business Mastery
Nest Egg: Alizee Marchand
Gifts: Pixabay
Working Businessman: Andrea Piacquadio
Digging: Lisa Fotios
Shocked: Andrea Piacquadio
Golden Grass: Johannes Plenio
Woman Cooking: Quang Nguyen Vinh
Carrying Man: Md Atik Hasan
Kids with Water: Dazzle Jam
Attraction Girl: Matheus Bertelli
Rich Shoes: Matheusz Dach
Journaling: Negative Space
Clothes Washing: Tom Fisk
Jed Clampett: Wiki Fan Page
Feeling of Wealth: RF._. Studio
Winner: Tima Miroshnichenko
Lottery: Waldemar Brandt
House: Scott Webb
Rich Guy: Andrea Piacquadio
Friends: Fauxels
Credit: Pixabay
Pennies: Pixabay
Dice: Jonathan Petersson
Confident Woman: Los Muertos Crew
Mr. Money Mustache: Screenshot
Financial Reader: Rodnae Productions